Fintech Companies

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  • wdt_ID ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ Name Segment Description Website Mail LinkedIn Crunchbase
    262 Oakbrook Finance Lending & Crowdfunding Oakbrook Finance is a financial service provider that specializes in consumer lending, advanced analytics and technology solutions.
    263 Blend Network Lending & Crowdfunding Blend Network is a peer-to-peer property lending marketplace that connects lenders directly with borrowers. -
    264 Behavox RegTech Behavox is an AI-driven platform that enables you to aggregate, analyze, and act on your entire organization’s data.
    265 Featurespace RegTech Featurespace provides an adaptive behavioral analytics technology and automated deep behavioral networks for risk management.
    266 Liberis Lending & Crowdfunding Liberis is a finance platform that offers business financial services.
    267 ANNA Money Accounts Business Banking and Admin service
    268 Eseye Payments Eseye provides global M2M managed connectivity across all devices.
    269 Moneyhub Enterprise Accounts Moneyhub is a data and payments fintech that provides open banking, open finance, and open data solutions.
    270 Recognise Bank Accounts Recognise Bank is digital SME bank providing commercial lending and savings accounts for business and personal savers.
    271 Assetz Capital Borrower Lending & Crowdfunding Assetz Capital is a marketplace lender that provides its services for SME finance, bridging, and property development sectors.
    272 Stenn Technologies Lending & Crowdfunding Stenn Technologies is a global category leader in digital trade finance for international SMEs in 70+ countries.
    273 Delta Capita Trading & Investments Delta Capita is an International business & technology consultancy and managed services provider
    274 Global Screening Services (GSS) RegTech GSS is a financial platform that enhances and exchanges information and offers sanctions transaction screening services. -
    275 Masabi Payments Masabi is the global leader in transport mobile ticketing and payments.
    276 Euler Trading & Investments Euler is a capital-efficient permissionless lending protocol that helps users to earn interest on their crypto assets.
    277 Monument Bank Accounts Monument Bank provides Innovative Financial Solutions.
    278 CellPoint Digital Payments CellPoint Digital offers digital commerce and payment solutions.
    279 VoxSmart RegTech VoxSmart is a global communications surveillance software provider.
    280 MYPINPAD Payments Solution of choice for money on the move
    281 LHV UK Financial Infrastructure LHV provides safeguarding accounts, payments, and other banking services.
    282 Archax Trading & Investments Archax is a global, regulated, digital asset exchange, brokerage and custodian based in London.
    283 Storfund Lending & Crowdfunding Business financing wasn't designed for ecommerce. We think it's time to change that.
    284 Accloud Accounts Accloud empowers SMEs in high growth markets with innovative cloud-based business management tools specially designed to meet their needs.
    285 Flagstone Accounts Flagstone is a UK starup developing a cash deposit marketplace that gives users easy access to hundreds of cash deposit accounts.
    286 Duco Financial Infrastructure Duco is a data engineering technology company that provides self-service data engineering in the cloud.


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